
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Faux-painted Dollhouse Shingles

Gosh!   I can't believe a week has gone by already and I haven't updated the tale of the roof re-do on the dollhouse!  I've been so busy working on the house, I just haven't had time to talk about it!   Sorry! ;-)

If you've been following along from the start, you know that my first attempt at applying a printable pattern of asphalt shingles ran into a number of problems (mostly with printing).    After a few frustrating attempts I tore the glued on paper "roofing" off and started over by painting the roof a basecoat of medium brown.   This has to be a kid-friendly roof, no shingles (until child gets older).  The plan is to paint some faux asphalt shingles for the dollhouse!

The next step was sponge painting a texture in various colors to represent the colors seen in asphalt shingles.  I used the printable pattern I started with for inspiration and chose black, burnt sienna and a very light brown.    First application is black....looks pretty ugly at this stage.

Next I sponged in some medium brown....Burnt Sienna...starting to look better!

Then I added some very light brown accents.   I moved the sponge all over, adding color where needed but also leaving some of the original base color peeking through.   I also added more Burnt Sienna and more black where I felt it was needed until it started to resemble the texture on asphalt roof tiles.

Next step is drawing on the shingle lines.    I based the size of the shingles on the dimensions in the printable version of the shingle pattern, but made them slightly larger (less work for myself! *G*).    I put 2 strips of masking tape along the edge to mark guidelines.     Marks show up so much better on the tape than trying to find where I put a little pencil mark on the roof with that busy pattern!    

 Another benefit of the tape is saving time!   I don't have to mark the guidelines again to do the other side of the roof....just take off the tape and re-position on other side!  (Line up first line with ridge of roof)   Any places along the edge that got missed because tape was in the way are easily touched up.

I used a Sharpie Fine Point marker to draw lines (and a ruler...LOL).   First the horizontal lines and then the vertical lines, alternating each row.   After all was done I sprayed with a clear matte finish to seal.   The finished shingles are below!    Not too bad of an imitation if I do say so myself!  ;-)    Not easy for kids to damage either!

If you had the time and inclination, adding a little shadow for each shingle would sure enhance the illusion!   I would definitely take the time to do that if this were for an older child or adult!    But, as much as I enjoy doing all the little extra details....I don't have much time left to finish this before the birthday party!


  1. Hi Mary! Why did you choose this color for the roofing of your doll house? Why not use dark and playful colors for it?

  2. Hi Lino, I don't know why I chose that color other than I was thinking of realistic-looking shingles. A bright, playful color for roof is a great idea...but too late now! ;-)

  3. I want to attempt to do this....I have a few questions and was wondering what type of paint you used and what you use for the sponge painting?

  4. Hi Erin, I used craft paint...Americana or Ceramcoat paints. I used a natural sea sponge for the sponge painting.
